domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

Portfolio of Evidence

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Baja California Sur
Students: Juan Ángel Leggs Vargas
                 Edgar Antonio Medina Sanchez
Teacher: Patricia Woodward Jimenez
Group: A
Grade: 1
Matter: English
I work: Portfolio of Evidence 

Date: 7 December, 2014

2.1 Daily Routines
I have: have lunch/ have breakfast/ have dinner/ have dessert
You do: do the dishes/ do te haundry
We go: we go to school at 8 o´clock  in the morning
You get: you get home from school at 2 o´clock
They live: they live in a apartment in New York

i have lunch at 12:30 in the school cafeteria

they live in a apartment in New York
we go to school at 8 o´clock  in the morning
You do your homework in the afternoom
you get home from school at 2 o´clock

2.2 Day in, Day out

He´s lifeguard. He rescues people dangers. He works at the beach.

She´s nurse. She takes care of sick people at a hospital. She works shift.

She´s a fashion designer. She designs and makes clothes. She works long hours.

They´re TV show hosts. They interview people in a TV studio. They work 9 to 5.

2.3 The time


It´s eight thirty.
It´s half paat eigth.
It´s eigth forty- five.
it´s a quarter to nine.
It´s eigth fisteen.
It´s a quarter past eigth.
2.4 School days
I Don´t
You Don´t

He Doesn´t
She Doesn´t
It Doesn´t

We Don´t
You Don´t
They Don´t

Emma Doesn´t play tennis.
Mario Doesn´t get up at 7 o´clock.
Steve and Mary Don´t live in Mexico.
We don´t have breakfast at 8 o´clock.
You Don´t work on saturdays.
I Don´t go to bed late.

2.5 Work Routines
The ravenmaster
there are a lot different jobs in the world, but Derrick Coyle´s job is very unusual. He is the only ravenmaster at the Tower of London.
The ravenmaster is trhe person who takes care of the ravensthat live in the Tower of London. Derrick lives there with his wife. His days starts at 5 o´clock in the morning. He lets the ravens out of the cages, he feeds them, gives them water and cleans their cages. He does all that after he breakfast. During the day he feeds the birds and looks after them until he puts them back in the cages at about 9 o´clock in the evening.
Derrick works seven days a week but he doesn´mind. He loves his job. "It´s a lot of fun", and gives me alot of pleasure," he says. "The ravens are part of the family"

2.6 Be Active
A: Do i you go swimming?
B: No, i don´t like.

A: Does paul like soccer?
B: No, he doesn´t. He likes basketball

A: Does he work as a teacher?
B: No, he doesn´t

A: Does she play badminton on friday?
B: No, he doesn´t

A: Does they do Karate?
B: No, they dont. They do gymnastics

A: Does she meet her friends after school?
B: Yes, she like. They meet at the mall.

2.7 How often...?
How often do you wath T.V?
I watch T.V every afternoon

How often do you go to the amusement park?
I go to the amusement park every sunday 

How often do you do volunteer work?
I do volunteer work every monday

How often do you listen to CD´S?
I listen to CD´S every saturday

How often do you hang out with friends?
I hang out with friends every saturday

How often do you talk on the phone?
I talk on the phone every day

How often do you surf the nex?
I surf the net every day

How often do you play video games?
I play video games every weekend

How often do you go dacing/ to the movies?
I go to the movies every weekend

How often do you read magazines newspapers/ books?
I read magazines books every day

How often do you go shopping?
I go shopping every saturday

How often do you go jogging?
I go jogging every day

2.8 How...?
What time do you get up?
I get up at 7:30

When do you eat lunch?
I eat lunch at 12:30

Why do you like it here?
Because we learn a lot

How does she go to school?
She goes to school on foot

Where do they live?
They live in Cancun

What does he do after school?
He plays badminton

Which is you favorite school subject?

2.9 Evenings out
       Hours (at 8.00)
at    Holidays (at christmas)
        At nigth. at noon

        days (on monday)
on    dates (on april 25th)
        on weekedays, on weekends/ the weekend

        months (in august)
in     seasons (in the winter)
        years (in 1999)
        in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

  1. I go to the soccer stadium  on  Sundays.
  2. He surfs the Net  in  the evening.
  3. I usually go to bed  at  10 o´clock.
  4. We go on vacation  on  august
  5. I meet my friends  on  weekends
  6. His birthday is  on  March 1st
  7. I don´t usually sleep  at  noon
  8. He goes to school  on  Weekends

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